Category Archives: comics

Irregular’s Intel – Is Captain America Really Lawful Good?

First off, I’m not even talking about the current storyline in Captain America: Steve Rogers or what is the basis for Secret Empire. I am looking at the character based on the whole of his history. Now, when you look up Lawful Good, the definition mentions things like morality and honor and duty and hating to allow lawbreakers go unpunished. But when you look at Chaotic Good, you see things like free thinker, follows his/her conscience, doesn’t care what society thinks. Ok, we have a few characteristics of each alignment and this isn’t our first rodeo – we know what the alignments stand for and what this is all about.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Is Captain America Really Lawful Good?

Comics Cosmos – Love Is Love

In June 2016, a tragedy occurred in Orlando: the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Not long after, comicbook writer Marc Andreyko reached out to writers and artists and anyone who wanted to participate about putting together an anthology as commentary on the tragedy and to show support for the LGBT community. (All proceeds from sales of the book go to support victims of the shooting and their families.) The result was Love Is Love, published by IDW and DC.  Continue reading Comics Cosmos – Love Is Love

Best Geeky Finds – Love Is In the Pages

Once again, it is February, and we all know what happens in February. That’s right – Ferris Wheel Day (February 14)! Oh, you were talking about the other, more well-discussed Valentine’s Day? Well I guess this week’s subject really fits more with that holiday so I’ll acknowledge the latter.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Love Is In the Pages

Comics Cosmos – It’s the End of the World, Scoob!

A group of meddling kids and their dog attempting to solve a mystery – that sounds pretty familiar. But what if the group is comprised of an investigative reporter, her loyal cameraman, a scientist, a dog trainer and a dog who happens to be the subject of experiments into creating more sentient canines, and the mystery is the end of the world? Well guess what – that’s exactly what you get with Scooby ApocalypseContinue reading Comics Cosmos – It’s the End of the World, Scoob!