Category Archives: geeks

Irregular’s Intel – Parallel Worlds

Blog-IILast week I was talking with a friend about the concept of parallel universes. I was explaining how modern science has embraced the possibility of there being a multiverse and what that could mean. Of course, there’s the world where I’m clean shaven and a criminal mastermind. But then, there is the other where Dr Banzai does exist and I am a full fledged Blue Blaze Irregular… and the list goes on from there. It made me think about the many times where I discover a facet about myself and wonder what it would be like if I’d dedicated more time to studying music, taken that trip abroad, or took a shot instead of talking myself out of whatever opportunity had crossed my path. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Parallel Worlds

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Digging Up the Past

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsI believe that if you are truly a fan of something, you should gather as much knowledge about it as you can (and, as a fan, you’re going to want to know everything anyway). This is particularly true of comic books characters, especially those with a long history. Sure, you can get origin stories and details on wiki sites or, sometimes, through a publisher’s website. But whenever possible, reading the actual stories is the best way to immerse yourself in the character. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Digging Up the Past

Irregular’s Intel – Watering Down the Brand

IrregularIntelOver the past year or so I have heard people answer the question “What does it mean to be a geek?” with “It means that you like or are really into something”. Now, on the surface, this answer is correct. It does mean that you’re really into whatever it is you do, but we have to be careful. In the age of the “tumblr geek” we’re starting to see people who like the t-shirts and the movies, but have never opened a comic, touched a d20, or read a scientific article for pleasure in their entire life. They’re loving the swag and the trappings that come with The Age of the Geek, but have never dealt with the struggle. Now, I know that this is going to sound a little “us vs them”, but I’m just stating facts. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Watering Down the Brand