Irregular’s Intel – Action Figure Covers

Blog-IIWe’ve all seen alternate covers on comic books. They’re everywhere. At one time they were a very rare thing, usually reserved for big issues or special editions. I rarely fell for then. I always viewed them as a big money grab and would not fall to its wiles. Even if a favorite artist produced something really cool, I still denied myself. But, last year, something new came on the horizon. Along with alternate covers and ashcan editions we now have “action figure covers”. “What are action figure covers?” you ask? They are comic covers that look like action figures on card packaging. Think of what the Star Wars action figures look like. As a matter of fact, that is how I got introduced to the phenomenon.

In 2015 Marvel began producing Star Wars comics again and many of the titles got TONS of alternate covers, one of which was the action figure cover. The reason why this cover managed to get me was that it hearkens back to the rush I got when I saw a new action figure and just had to have it. The visual and emotional connection was surprising for me. Last week, I bought Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1 by Boom! Comics and was smacked in the face with a Green Power Ranger action figure cover. I had to buy it… how could I not? It was a “take my money” moment for me… with many more to come, I’m sure. The other side of it is that buying action figure covers give younger geeksters a glimpse into some of the items that gave birth to some of our lifelong obsessions. So, I guess the covers are more than a money grab.

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