Tag Archives: nostalgia

Irregular’s Intel – Storytime with Uncle Kylan

Back in the day, cop shows used to market themselves to kids with plastic “detective sets” complete with a gun, handcuffs and a shiny badge. One such show to do this was Starsky and Hutch. Now, S.W.A.T.  was another show to market itself in a similar way, but they took it up a notch or two (that’s for another Storytime).  At any rate, I loved Starsky and Hutch and often saw a kindred spirit in the high strung Detective David Michael Starsky. In this set there was a gun similar to the .45 my favorite of the duo carried, handcuffs, a badge AND a copy of the Miranda Rights that every good cop quoted to every criminal that they brought to justice. I read that thing until I had it committed to memory flawlessly!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Storytime with Uncle Kylan

She Geek Critique – Good Ol’ Days of Krull

We all know that nostalgia puts a shiny, happy filter on the past, making it difficult to find fault in the things we love. As geeks, we know this all too well as the games, comics and movies of our youths are a beacon of what made us who we are. I was reminded of this over the weekend when I watched a movie I hadn’t seen in a very long time: Krull.   Continue reading She Geek Critique – Good Ol’ Days of Krull

Best Geeky Finds – A Look Back at The Dark Crystal

Blog-BGFI’ve been thinking a lot about nostalgia lately. There are a lot of movies and TV shows from my childhood that have been remade during this and last year (Ghostbusters, Girl Meets World, Fuller House), and there are more which have been in talks about remakes and sequels (Spaceballs, Labyrinth). After Dawn’s post a few weeks ago about classic films geeks love, I started thinking about these films I continue to love. I also thought about movies from my childhood others my age love with a passion. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – A Look Back at The Dark Crystal

Miss Dawn’s Musings – When Nostalgia Trumps Quality

Blog-MDMThere are a lot of properties making comebacks on the small screen lately (over the past few years, really) and a lot are really popular, especially among fans who remember them from “the first time around”. So I was thinking about this and whether the popularity stems from actual quality (in the writing, acting, overall production value) or if people are blinded by nostalgia. I think, in a majority of cases, it’s nostalgia. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – When Nostalgia Trumps Quality

Best Geeky Finds – Marketing the Console Wars

bestgeekyfindsIt’s Black Friday weekend, which means video game sales are rolling out (if they haven’t already where you live). The PS4 and Xbox One are in high demand, and we’re getting games like Star Wars: Battlefront, Lego Dimensions, and Fallout 4. The amazing thing is, I don’t see commercials on television for many of these games anymore. This may be due to changes in how gamers get their news, so most of these ads are limited to the Internet.

Thinking about this, I turned to the Internet to see how games were advertised in the past for systems I played as a kid (I’m still behind the times with a PS2 and Wii, but even those aren’t for the games I turn on to relax). Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Marketing the Console Wars