Miss Dawn’s Musings – Sharing is Caring

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsIf there’s one thing geeks enjoy, it’s sharing their fandoms with other geeks. Some like to fangirl/boy over the latest developments, talk theories or storylines, come up with the perfect cast for movie versions of their favorite games or books. Others like to teach, imparting some facts they’ve discovered about a property, some behind the scenes details or “straight from the horse’s mouth” stories. Now that can be cool when you’re looking for more information, want to get deeper into a fandom and when your fellow geek is sharing out of the goodness of their heart. But if you have been involved in a fandom for any length of time, you have experienced the other type of geek, the know it all or, as I prefer to call it, the douche geek. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Sharing is Caring

Best Geeky Finds – Fresh Meat for the Ghouls of Collinsport

bestgeekyfindsA new fear has struck at Collinwood, and everyone’s a suspect in the murder of Melody Devereux…

One morning when I was in college I flipped to the Sci-Fi Channel (back when it was spelled correctly) to find a grainy soap opera — Dark Shadows. I had always heard references to Collinwood as a kid by my parents whenever we passed a gothic-style home, but until that point I had not been exposed to the wonders of Barnabas Collins and the town of Collinsport. Every morning after, I tuned in or recorded episodes up until the very end of the channel’s run of the series. I realized how corny the show was and how ridiculous the special effects were, but as I’ve said is past blog posts, I prefer this over horrible blood and gore. As an English major, I also saw the correlations with classic novels such as Wuthering Heights, Dracula and The Picture of Dorian Gray. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Fresh Meat for the Ghouls of Collinsport

Irregular’s Intel – Let’s Talk About Polymaths

IrregularIntelOxford Dictionary defines a polymath as “A person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning”. It is a concept that is born out of The Enlightenment idea of The Universal Man or The Renaissance Man. The great thinkers of that time felt that it was a human’s duty to push yourself to be the best that you can be at various endeavors. One should be knowledgeable in social graces, the ways of war, skilled in music, and a writer of poetry and scholarly essays. There were many who embraced this ideal and strove to live by it. Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo are two examples of famous polymaths of their time.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Let’s Talk About Polymaths

The Gamer Geek Blog – Legends and Rock Stars

GamerGeekHey Geeksters!

So the League of Legends World championship is still going on, even now as you read this. North America has been completely eliminated from the tournament and Riot Games has decided that their new Champion Kindred will be pushed back… again… to Patch 5.20, which should drop sometime this week. Continue reading The Gamer Geek Blog – Legends and Rock Stars