Category Archives: books

Connecting the Numbers

Seemingly impossible murders are happening worldwide. The victims and circumstances have no connections and the only clues left are unique 4-digit numbers on (or near) each dead body. Authorities are trying to find a pattern and they call on CIA analyst Quinn Mitchell, known for her skills in that arena. But as she follows the trail and deciphers what the numbers could mean, she uncovers details – about the murderer, the mission and potentially herself – that will change her ultimate goal.

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GW1 Issue 272 – Return Trips to the 80s and the Oasis

Still playing catchup, this week it’s sequels to save the world. We’ve read Ready Player Two and we discuss whether it’s worth a trip to the Oasis a second time. And we review the much-anticipated Wonder Woman 84 to let you know if the adventures of the Amazon Princess are worth watching this time. Plus, we have news of the first cancelled con of the year, California’s Avengers campus, Valentine Funkos and more. Listen now!

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She Geek Critique – Not Ready for This Quest

The novel Ready Player Two is a direct sequel to Ready Player One (the novel, not the movie, as there were some changes made for the big screen). It begins with describing what happened immediately after Wade, et al. won the quest for the eggs and became the heir to the OASIS fortune. Then you’re quickly taken into the premise of this novel – which is basically the same. Yes, the individual stages differ (and obviously there isn’t another fortune to claim), but the plot remains the same: complete this massively difficult quest to save the OASIS and the world. But it (mostly) worked the first time around, so why mess with it, right?

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She Geek Critique – Last of Her Kind

Imagine you are the last remaining member of your species. And imagine you can’t actually mention that fact to anyone you know because it would terrify them and put you at risk. But imagine not knowing why… and then being hunted because of it. Well that’s what you get in Zack Jordan’s new space epic The Last HumanContinue reading She Geek Critique – Last of Her Kind