Category Archives: editorial

Miss Dawn’s Musings – A Good Start

Whether in comics or on television or at the movies, a well-told origin story is a satisfying experience. You get the background of the character, their strengths and faults and how they came to be. And when it comes to heroes and villains, you get at least some of the motivations that drive them in whatever quest they may be on.  Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – A Good Start

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Mistakes Were Made

We all make mistakes sometimes, some little and some pretty damn big. (Did you catch that Best Picture flub at the Oscars last night? Pretty sure that’s in the “big” category!) But when it comes to geek movies and tv shows, those mistakes get picked up quick because the fans pay such close attention and, at times, pick scenes apart frame by frame.  Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Mistakes Were Made

Irregular’s Intel – Is Captain America Really Lawful Good?

First off, I’m not even talking about the current storyline in Captain America: Steve Rogers or what is the basis for Secret Empire. I am looking at the character based on the whole of his history. Now, when you look up Lawful Good, the definition mentions things like morality and honor and duty and hating to allow lawbreakers go unpunished. But when you look at Chaotic Good, you see things like free thinker, follows his/her conscience, doesn’t care what society thinks. Ok, we have a few characteristics of each alignment and this isn’t our first rodeo – we know what the alignments stand for and what this is all about.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Is Captain America Really Lawful Good?

Irregular’s Intel – Getting My Weekends Back

Like many people, I currently work a shift that has me working Saturdays. I thought that I’d get used to it, but, 15 months later, I have not! It completely throws me off, especially considering that a lot of things Geek Watch One does, and geeky events in general, are on the weekend. So, I had an opportunity come my way and I had to take it and (drum roll)… I get my weekends back!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Getting My Weekends Back