Category Archives: editorial

Irregular’s Intel – The Training Montage

 We’ve all seen them. The hero is beaten, shown to be a shadow of his former self, defeated. But then the hero goes back to the basics and starts pumping iron, spending time in the dojo, and on the firing range. They dust off the old skills that served them well in the past and maybe pick up a new trick or two along the way. This isn’t just a scene from any number of cheesy movies, this is a pearl of wisdom for us to grow from.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Training Montage

Miss Dawn’s Musings – To the Year Ahead

We all know that 2016 sucked for a number of reasons – politics and the divisive climate created by the presidential election to end all others, terrorist acts and war around the world, and a greater than average number of celebrity deaths, including some big ones for the geek realm. So most people were really looking forward to a new year and a new start. But let’s be realistic – considering the state of affairs, it’s unlikely that what made last year bad will improve at all this year.  Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – To the Year Ahead

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Best of 2016

There was a lot of bad in 2016 – celebrity deaths, politics, natural disasters, terrorist acts. But as the year finally comes to an end I want to reflect on some of the good, at least in my opinion. In the realm of geek there was a lot that made us all happy this year and helped us to, if not forget, at least distract ourselves for a little bit from all the bad.  Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Best of 2016

Irregular’s Intel – The Geek Holiday Survival Guide

Some of us are going to be spending time with groups of people who are outside of our norm. They just don’t get us. Why are we so weird? What is that book? What is an RPG? As geeks, we can isolate ourselves from the “norms” and get lost in our world because we surround ourselves with others like us. But once the holidays come around, we get that stark reminder – but that is OK! I am here to give you the survival guide to get you through!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Geek Holiday Survival Guide

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Last Minute Rush

So you promised yourself this year you’d get everything done early so the holidays wouldn’t be such a stressful rush, as they always seem to be. You got the decorations up in good time, mailed out cards, made lists of what presents to get… but you never quite got around to going to the mall… or other stores… or Amazon. And now there’s less than a week until Christmas and you haven’t finished your shopping! Well if you’ve got geeks on your list, I’m here to help.  Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Last Minute Rush