Category Archives: geeks

Miss Dawn’s Musings – He Said, She Said

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsI recently finished reading volume 1 of Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye (My Life As a Weapon). Outside of reading up on things related to the movies, I’ve never been very into any of the Avengers comics. But I’ve heard such good things about this particular run of Hawkeye since it debuted a couple years ago that I wanted to give it a shot (I have no idea if I intended that pun). Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – He Said, She Said

Irregular’s Intel – Why I Make Mine Marvel

IrregularIntelProbably one of the oldest debates in geek culture is Marvel vs DC. There are some who are so devoted to one publisher or the other that they cannot imagine the very thought of owning any piece of merch produced by the other, let alone watch any shows or movies… and forget about touching a comic! Now, if you have listened to Geek Watch One for any amount of time, you already know that I am a Marvel Man and Ken is team DC. I am certain that you have heard our arguments supporting each of our stances on this matter. But I have yet to give a full explanation on the matter. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Why I Make Mine Marvel

Irregular’s Intel – Age of the Geek Part 2

IrregularIntelSo, earlier this week I was browsing through my newsfeed and I saw two stories that served as stark reminders to me that geeks are not as mainstream as we’re led to believe. Not only is it not mainstream, but the “cool kids” are in the corner, waiting to pounce. I have to admit, it feels good and the scales are about to achieve balance again. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Age of the Geek Part 2