Tag Archives: geek

Whatz Your Geek? – Katie from Nerd Girl Cosplay

VickyThis week I talked to Katie Starr – Nerd Girl Cosplay to find out her geek.

V: Who are you?
KS: Mild-mannered teacher by day; power tool wielding, wig wearing cosplayer by night.

V: What’s your geek?
KS: Cosplay mainly, but that takes in all my geeky interests. I like comics, movies, creating, history, sewing, makeup, and a healthy dose of pop culture. Continue reading Whatz Your Geek? – Katie from Nerd Girl Cosplay

Irregular’s Intel – Why I Make Mine Marvel

IrregularIntelProbably one of the oldest debates in geek culture is Marvel vs DC. There are some who are so devoted to one publisher or the other that they cannot imagine the very thought of owning any piece of merch produced by the other, let alone watch any shows or movies… and forget about touching a comic! Now, if you have listened to Geek Watch One for any amount of time, you already know that I am a Marvel Man and Ken is team DC. I am certain that you have heard our arguments supporting each of our stances on this matter. But I have yet to give a full explanation on the matter. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Why I Make Mine Marvel

Whatz Your Geek? – Sarah the Librarian

VickyV: What shall we call you?
SG: Sarah Granville

V: Tell us a little about yourself.
SG: I’m a librarian primarily working with teenagers, born and raised in NE Ohio. My brother says I found a perfect job to use my useless knowledge. I like to think of myself as a professional geek! My turn-offs are intolerant people… sorry, wrong form!

Continue reading Whatz Your Geek? – Sarah the Librarian