Miss Dawn’s Musings – I’m Bored

Blog-MissDawnsMusings I was chatting with a friend the other day and he told me he was bored. My immediate response was “But you’re a geek. How can you be bored?” He wasn’t convinced that being a geek made a difference, so I let it go. I do, however, think it makes a BIG difference.

I’ve never understood people who claim to be bored. Likely this is because I have so many interests (some that aren’t even geeky!) that I can always find something to do. Sure, there are times when I don’t feel like doing much of anything, but I don’t consider that boredom. It’s more a lack of motivation or just exhaustion. There is never nothing to do, but that’s what most people think when they claim to be bored. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – I’m Bored

Best Geeky Finds – The End of Fables

bestgeekyfindsImagine a world where fairy tales are real and still living among us in a secret, hidden away block of… Maine? No, this isn’t Once Upon A Time.

Before the inception of ABC’s Storybrook, Maine, authors Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham created the graphic novel series Fables, which tells the story of Snow White, the Big Bad (Bigby) Wolf, Jack, Rose Red, and many, many more fairy tales living in Manhattan after having been chased from their homelands by the Adversary and its army.

Ten years later, with 5 spin-off graphic novel series, a regular novel, a video game, a proposed (yet failed) television series, and even a board game (as Willingham reminds readers is in issue #100), the series reached its final issue/volume this past July with #150. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – The End of Fables

Irregular’s Intel – Embracing Your Geek

IrregularIntelOne of my favorite phrases is “Live your (or My) Geek”. I feel like it perfectly states my philosophy of what being a geek means. The short definition of being a geek is that you’re an extreme fan of something, but there is so much more to it. Let’s face it, the people who are car nuts, music fans, or sports enthusiasts do not apologize for their love of their respective obsessions. Society says that it is completely acceptable to go to car shows and look at each others vehicles that we may or may not drive, follow a local band to every gig in the tri-state area to show your support, or join a group to play the sports version of an RPG, fantasy football. But yet, how many of us downplay our love for comics, books, action figures, or whatever you’re into because either we don’t want to be ridiculed of we’ve been told that what we like is odd or weird? I’m here to tell you that it is not. It is what you’re into, it is what brings you enjoyment in your life, so don’t hide it. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Embracing Your Geek

Whatz Your Geek? – A Small Taste of My Geek

VickyWhatz my geek: a bit of everything. Ken says I was a closet geek, mostly cuz geek society is kinda new to me (11yrs now). I grew up watching Godzilla on Saturday mornings. All of the 80’s cartoons. Stephen King movies.
My favorite anime: Naruto (Manga).
My favorite movies: Much A Do About Nothing, All of the Tolkien movies, Star Wars (even the Ewok movies).
Started playing video games around ’85.
Favorite video game: Halo, all 4.
Favorite comics books: Conan & Red Sonja
Favorite movie types: Fantasy, sci-fi, acting & period pieces.

And that’s a small taste of my geek.