Best Geeky Finds – Tammy and the T-Rex

bestgeekyfindsI have never been a fan of gore. Horror movies that rely of blood and guts disgust me to the point of hating an entire movie even if the plot is good simply because of an absurd amount of gore. For this reason, I often find older and really bad horror and science fiction films that, while the story may be awful, it’s clean enough that I spend the entire time laughing.

The idea of this review began when Kylan posted a facebook survey about how many “bad” movies he had seen (I’ve only seen 36 of 170, but I plan to remedy this). I responded by asking how many of those he had seen he enjoyed.

I realize there are many really bad movies out there that should never have seen the light of day, even if they never reached a movie theater, but there are also many that, while considered “bad,” are enjoyable on different levels.

So this week I review a gem from the depth of the ‘90s: Tammy and the T-Rex. First, check out the trailer. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Tammy and the T-Rex

Irregular’s Intel – Science as a Casual Pursuit

IrregularIntelI was watching the news the other day and it was reported that scientists had discovered some molecules that did not behave as they should. Meaning that some of the things we know about atoms may not be entirely true, which opens the door to a whole world of possibilities. As I processed this information, I got excited! It meant possible advances in our scientific knowledge as a whole, and some possibly really cool discoveries along the way. I’m more of a science enthusiast and I feel no shame in saying that. I try to build a varied wealth of knowledge and to keep myself curious about the world around me. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Science as a Casual Pursuit

The Gamer Geek Blog – Crashing Castles and Crossing Animals

GamerGeekHey Geeksters!

Not much happened with Sony in the gaming world beside them shutting off the beta for Street Fighter 5.

The Xbox one is getting a certain gem of game remastered for backwards compatabitly before the big update in November. The “Indie” game studio The Behemoth is bringing Castle Crasher to the Xbox One to complete their trio of games. With the remaster comes a new game mode called Back Off Barbarian and other basic upgrade like 60 frames and gameplay tweaks. Now for the best part: if you already own Castle Crashers on the 360 the remaster is free. Continue reading The Gamer Geek Blog – Crashing Castles and Crossing Animals

V-Yellow’s Comic Box – Thomas “Hush” Elliot

VernComicWho else is a fan of Dr. Thomas “Tommy” Elliot A.K.A. Hush? One of my favorite story arcs is the Batman: Hush by Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee and Scott Williams. The thing I loved about this villain was he just isn’t your normal psychopath that comes out of Arkham Asylum or running the streets of Gotham; this was a very close childhood friend of Bruce Wayne. He was even named after Bruce’s late father Thomas Wayne. Elliot even wanted to become a doctor just like Thomas Wayne. Before Bruce saw his parents’ demise on that dark terrible night in Crime Alley, Tommy had lost only one of his parents in a car accident. He would have lost both of them if it wasn’t for Bruce’s father saving his mother’s life. But ever since Bruce’s father saved Tommy’s mother he had a vendetta against the Waynes. The reason why he hates Bruce so bad is because he had planned for his parents to die in that fatal car accident. He cut the brakes to the car; as a young boy he had already had evil thoughts and wanted to murder people. He wanted to inherit their wealth so he could be an orphan and live his life the way he intended for it to be. Since then Tommy has been planning on a way to get back at his old friend.

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