Category Archives: Irregular’s Intel

Irregular’s Intel – There’s Hope!

On the night that I wrote this I went out to dinner with friends and their daughter (that’s not to say that the daughter is not a friend, she is, but not the point of what I’m about to say). She has recently discovered the Harry Potter series and is enamored with it. I mean, she is taking every possible moment to get into that book. Dinner barely separated her from the tome, and not for long. It was a thing of beauty!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – There’s Hope!

Irregular’s Intel – Celebrity Geeks

You know how I love to talk about “The Age of the Geek”, right? Well, I’ve been thinking about it and I wonder if it has been brewing just under the surface for a long time. Mainly in Hollywood and celebrities, in general… “What the heck are you talking about, Kylan?” you may ask. Come with me and see for yourselves!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Celebrity Geeks

Irregular’s Intel – What is Strength?

Merriam-Webster defines strength as:  the quality or state of being strong :  capacity for exertion or endurance. There are several other definitions, if you care to fact check me, but this is the first one and the one that applies to this piece. Recently, I saw a story on the world news that just tore me up and I was tempted to write about it in last week Irregular’s Intel, but opted for something else because I think I tend to be a bit too heavy, at times. I decided that I’d save it, but then it happened again and gave me even more reason to write this.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – What is Strength?

Irregular’s Intel – Go Go Power Rangers: The Review

Ok, before you roll your eyes too hard, Power Rangers is not really a kids’ movie. Even the wife said, “ I like it. Had it not been titled Power Rangers, I would have taken it for a sci-fi action movie. And Rita was scary!” Yes, that is a direct quote. This is a reboot, I guess, of the original series and the original rangers are all here, Jason Scott, Trini Kwan, Kimberly Hart, Zack Taylor and Billy Cranston. They are all in Angel Grove, too. Along with a few other bits, all of the basic components are present, but that is where the similarities stop.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Go Go Power Rangers: The Review