Category Archives: Irregular’s Intel

Irregular’s Intel – Summer Flings

As school starts to wind down and the heat starts to crank up, we’ll be inundated with suggestions for summer reading and summer series to watch and all that jazz. I think that’s all well and good, but these lists are usually filled with books I wouldn’t read even if I was paid to! But, because my TBR list stretches all of Route 66 and part of Electric Avenue, I decided that I am going to dedicate this summer to something I have not done in 4 years, or so… I am binging all of the Rogue Squadron novels!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Summer Flings

Irregular’s Intel – Storytime with Uncle Kylan

Back in the day, cop shows used to market themselves to kids with plastic “detective sets” complete with a gun, handcuffs and a shiny badge. One such show to do this was Starsky and Hutch. Now, S.W.A.T.  was another show to market itself in a similar way, but they took it up a notch or two (that’s for another Storytime).  At any rate, I loved Starsky and Hutch and often saw a kindred spirit in the high strung Detective David Michael Starsky. In this set there was a gun similar to the .45 my favorite of the duo carried, handcuffs, a badge AND a copy of the Miranda Rights that every good cop quoted to every criminal that they brought to justice. I read that thing until I had it committed to memory flawlessly!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Storytime with Uncle Kylan

Irregular’s Intel – Mental Vacations

I may be stating the obvious here, but we all want and need time away. It’s why we look forward to that precious time off from work. We write songs about it, dedicate commercials to ways of making it better, and there’s an entire industry dedicated to making that time off the absolute best that it can be. But, you know, we also do this in little ways. We don’t have to pack up the Vista Cruiser and head to Wally World nor do we need to head to the Golden Arches to have a break. We have everything we need between our ears.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Mental Vacations

Irregular’s Intel – From the Horse’s Mouth

There’s something to be said for enjoying something from or at the point of origin, like barbecue in Memphis, a cheesesteak sandwich in Philadelphia or deep dish pizza in Chicago. It is that feeling of knowing that you’re getting the real deal, not someone’s interpretation of their experience – this is your very own. The same can be said for meeting an author and listening to them sell their book or tell the story of their journey as they put pen to paper and brought their story to life. I’ve had that experience several times, but it has only been recently that it struck me how special that really is.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – From the Horse’s Mouth