Category Archives: Irregular’s Intel

Irregular’s Intel – Street Cred

I am fresh from seeing Marvel’s Spider-Man: Homecoming and, wow, what a movie! Honestly, I think that it is the best Spider-Man movie that I have seen! But, that’s not what I’m writing about. There’s a point in the movie where Peter is going on  about how he wants to handle the “big stuff” and he wants to be an Avenger. Stark asks him why can’t he just be a “friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man”? It is kinda treated as a “stay in your lane, kid” kind of moment. But, as I was talking things out with Miss Dawn, she brought up an interesting point: Is that really such a bad thing?

Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Street Cred

Irregular’s Intel – Patriotic Themed Heroes

When I was a kid, it was no big deal to see Captain America anywhere. He wore a version of the Stars and Stripes on his uniform (remember, it was issued to him by the military, so… uniform). He represented the United States, so that was ok. But when I saw Captain Britain, Sunfire or Guardian it threw me for a loop! You see, each of characters wear versions of the British flag, Imperial Japan flag and Canadian flag, respectively. But it did teach me a valuable lesson: every nation can and should have their own “national hero”.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Patriotic Themed Heroes

Irregular’s Intel – The Struggle

If you’re of a certain age you remember a time when it wasn’t so cool to be a nerd. Wearing a tee shirt with a comic character was an invitation to be ridiculed. Reading for pleasure was unheard of, and don’t let the book be thick or sci-fi or fantasy… and we won’t even mention comics. Now, we live in a time where these sorts of things are accepted, for the most part. The norms either adapt or grin and bear it, but it is all good. But does the lack of struggle change the meaning of geek for the ones coming up?  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Struggle

Irregular’s Intel – Going Dark

For the last several year there has been a trend in comics. This is a trope that is so old that soap operas and professional wrestling were almost founded upon this. It’s when the hero, or protagonist, goes dark. We’ve all seen it before. We all remember the classic episode of Star Trek where everyone ran into their evil self (usually in a goatee). Or in Knight Rider when Michael meets an evil adopted brother (who still looked like him), Garth. I can fully explain how and why this makes sense, just not here. Message me and we’ll talk! Or, the episode of South Park where the kids run into their evil selves (all in goatees)!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Going Dark

Irregular’s Intel – Representation Counts

We live in a time where every notion or concept has a hashtag. It can get to the point where it becomes overwhelming, or tedious even. That’s not to say that they don’t have meaning, but to address all of them would take a full 140 characters by itself! But I digress. Yesterday, my brother posted something on his FB that caught my eye – an African American male cosplaying as Batman. Now this, in and of itself, was not new to me. But to read his story I was reminded of how black kids could not be Batman, Superman, Captain America or Doctor Strange because we didn’t look like them. We could be Spider-Man, Iron Man or anyone black because either you couldn’t see who was under the mask or armor or they looked like us. Being kids we didn’t know better, but it did kinda suck, to be honest about it all.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Representation Counts