Category Archives: Irregular’s Intel

Irregular’s Intel – Reboots Aren’t Just for TV and Movies Anymore

Blog-IIA few years ago, Kevin Smith penned a reboot of The Six Million Dollar Man called The Bionic Man. It had many of the things that I loved about the iconic show, but it also was updated for the  21st century (as a matter of fact, I think he was upped to six billion dollars). Nanotech was introduced as well as some abilities that Steve Austin did not have in the original series, things I felt worked. Not long after The Bionic Woman followed with similar success. But then I started to notice something… reboots were popping up everywhere! Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Reboots Aren’t Just for TV and Movies Anymore

Irregular’s Intel – Marvel’s Luke Cage… Sweet Christmas!

Blog-II It’s no secret that I have been waiting, with baited breath, for the Luke Cage series to happen. I have been over the moon satisfied with every one of the Marvel series that Netflix has produced. But this one, as well as the upcoming Iron Fist, are my most highly anticipated. Now, this is not a line for line interpretation of the iconic character, but all of the changes are minor, reflect his modern depiction and definitely add to the character as a whole. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Marvel’s Luke Cage… Sweet Christmas!

Irregular’s Intel – Why I Love Luke Cage (Revisited)

Blog-IIHere at Geek Watch One, we try to not repeat ourselves. But with Luke Cage hitting Netflix this week, we thought it was worth revisiting Kylan’s post from last year covering the character’s history. Enjoy! 

Luke Cage is a Marvel character who has been around since the early 70’s and has mostly been a B or C tier character until Alias (with Jessica Jones) and the “Civil War” event. Now he’s up there with the big boys – Cage is even an Avenger now! As you may know, he is one of my faves and is a great study in self improvement. Ride with me in the way back machine as I give you a crash course on him from his meager beginnings to his rise to the top. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Why I Love Luke Cage (Revisited)

Irregular’s Intel – The Bell Biv DeVoe Theorem: A Scholarly Treatise

Blog-IILast weekend, while enjoying breakfast with friends, the subject of whether or not one should trust a big butt and a smile came up, which resulted in quite a discussion. Some had a problem with the term “never,” which is a sure fire way to end up on the wrong side of a logical fallacy, while others questioned whether it was in the coupling of the big butt and smile or, if one happens after the other, is this then negated. It then dawned upon me… perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to approach this paradigm from a different angle? We live in an enlightened age… perhaps there is an inherent error in the Bell Biv DeVoe Theorem? Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Bell Biv DeVoe Theorem: A Scholarly Treatise

Irregular’s Intel – Back to One

Blog-IIRecently, after a sickeningly long hiatus, I returned to the gym. I did not leave the gym by any conscious effort, but I did let life get in the way of my health. I had started a new job and the sudden change in schedule threw me for a loop. Now, I’m not making excuses, just stating that there were mitigating factors involved. At any rate, I returned and, although I knew that I had slipped some, I did not know how much until I tried a familiar circuit that I used to breeze through… not any more!! Sweet Christmas!! It kicked the living Fiddle Faddle out of me!! I had gotten the message in the middle of the gym… special delivery… I had to go all the way back to step #1. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Back to One