Category Archives: editorial

Irregular’s Intel – My Name is Kylan and I am an EFNJ

Earlier this week, my team leader at work decided to do something a little outside of the box and have the team do a version of the Briggs Myers Personality Test. For those of you reading at home, it is a test comprised of several situations that asks you to choose, based on your preferences, and then compiles these behaviors into one of 16 personality types. It then breaks it down to a general introduction, your strengths and weaknesses, career choices, how you behave in romantic relationships and friendships, your workplace habits and so forth.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – My Name is Kylan and I am an EFNJ

She Geek Critique – The Big 4… Oh!

Geek Watch One turned four years old this month – our first issue was officially released on January 20, 2015. (I purposely have not added a link for it because there are some things that maybe should not be revisited!) It’s pretty amazing that we’ve made it this far, especially when you consider that “casual” podcasts are lucky to make it one year.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – The Big 4… Oh!

Irregular’s Intel – The Other Half of Self Improvement

For the last nine months or so, I have been on a journey of self-improvement. I’ve embraced positivity, transparency and have consciously begun making “mostly” healthy choices. I look back and I’m not the same person that I was 12 months ago and it feels good. But, in chatting with a colleague, I have learned there is a whole other half to self-improvement: letting go of your past.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Other Half of Self Improvement

Irregular’s Intel – Award Shows and the Geek

You know it. You see it every year and it frustrates the crap out of you, just like me. The Golden Globes and the Oscars live to diss geek friendly movies. As good as Wonder Woman is, it did not get a nod at all. As Shakespearian as Thor was, it got totally ignored. To be honest with you, regardless of how phenomenal Black Panther is, I’m doubtful that it will get the recognition it deserves.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Award Shows and the Geek

She Geek Critique – Pleasantly Surprised

Watching the Golden Globes ceremony last night was a nice reminder of how good it can feel to be surprised. I’m not talking about a big birthday, everyone jumps out and yells at you sort of surprise. What I mean is when you were sure something was headed in a direction you weren’t exactly happy about, but things turn around and the outcome is much more positive than expected.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Pleasantly Surprised