Category Archives: Irregular’s Intel

Irregular’s Intel – Wake Up Calls

Sometimes life gives us little nudges. First, you get that internal feeling that you need to make a change or do something different with your life or whatever. From there, life will have you run into people that you haven’t seen in a long time, people who may be tied to that thing that life had been nudging you about. Then, it happens. Life hits you over the head with the proverbial frying pan and you can’t ignore it… yep, you’re getting that wake up call!!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Wake Up Calls

Irregular’s Intel – Purposeful Geekness

This is a subject that has been on my mind a lot, lately. A couple of weeks ago there was a story about a young attorney who ran for city council and won and took his oath while holding a replica of Captain America’s shield. Also, that same week, an acquaintance wrote a blog about what his fandoms meant for him, especially in the current environment. A mix of all of that had been stewing in my head for the longest time… then Geek Watch One turned two and I became reflective.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Purposeful Geekness

Irregular’s Intel – I’m Talkin’ ‘Bout Shaft!

I’m generally a live and let live kind of guy when it comes to remakes. If the creative team is adding a new dimension to the story or a logically different take, I am game for the ride. But, during issue 88 of GW1 it came out that there were plans for a Shaft remake… yeah, a Shaft remake. This movie is already part of the national registry and has influenced so many writers and film makers, what more can you add to this tale? Oh, I know… let’s make it an action comedy!

Hell-to-the-no!!!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – I’m Talkin’ ‘Bout Shaft!

Irregular’s Intel – Nasty Women and Dangerous Men

I was thinking about the quality of company that I keep and I think that they can best described as, like the title says, nasty women and dangerous men. The term “nasty woman” was used as a put down during a presidential debate, but if the characteristics the speaker was describing are “nasty” then I want all of the nasty that I can stand! If nasty means smart, intelligent, strong, insightful, funny, curious, open minded, creative and resourceful – then hell yeah, sign me up!! Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Nasty Women and Dangerous Men

Irregular’s Intel – Expanding Fandoms

A couple of months ago I was at a convention and Ken and I were interviewing this well known game developer for Geek Watch One. In the course of the interview he happened to mention his deep love for G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. I immediately caught on to what he meant. Like me, he held a greater affinity for the realistic portrayal of a special forces unit with next gen technology and tactics as opposed to the “red lasers vs blue lasers” that we saw on the animated series. As the talk progressed he shared with me knowledge about a game that was inspired by that world, but not officially of it… let’s call it “adjacent”. So, if I was strictly into comics and not one bit into tabletop gaming, this may be the lure that I would need to give it a shot. Much like the game Dead of Winter was made for the Walking Dead crowd. Someone may be a fan of the comic, show or both…heck, they may even play the video game, but here is another way to enjoy that fandom… and possibly feed a new obsession?  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Expanding Fandoms