She Geek Critique – Get Schwifty in Here

Considering it’s currently one of my favorite shows, it’s about time that I got around to writing about Rick and Morty. I came to the show slightly late in the game, after the second season had finished. But I kept hearing about an irreverent cartoon involving a mad scientist, his grandson and interdimensional space travel. Add to that the fact that it’s most definitely for adults and I had to give it a shot.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Get Schwifty in Here

Best Geeky Finds – In an Mmmbop They’re Gone (Or Were They?)

Twenty years ago, “Mmmbop” was heard for the first time on top-40 radio stations. Hanson took the world by storm, as teenagers everywhere became hooked on their music (well, at least a good chunk of them). I was one of those people (everybody I knew at the time was not). It seems strange that Hanson has been making music for this long, especially considering they had made an album prior to Middle of Nowhere that was never released in the US.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – In an Mmmbop They’re Gone (Or Were They?)

Irregular’s Intel – Geek Retirement

Everyone eventually retires, everyone. It doesn’t matter what you do or did for a living, inevitably, it all ends. Through the years I have been sold this idea that has never really fit with me and it wasn’t until this weekend that I realized why. It is the notion that when I retire that I’m gonna want to travel the world, play lots of golf, and go on group cruises with a bunch of people my age… um, nope!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Geek Retirement

Playing Around – Happy Adventures With Cyanide

If you’re into pop culture and web comics, you no doubt know about Cyanide & Happiness. If you don’t recognize it by name, you will definitely recognize the stick figure characters. Well now that dark humor is going to be available in video game form. Yes, you will soon be able to play in the world of C&H with The Cyanide & Happiness Adventure GameContinue reading Playing Around – Happy Adventures With Cyanide

GW1 Issue 123 – A Haunted Pirates Life For Me

What is Geek Watch One up to now? Remember that haunted house and pirate ship that we talked about last issue? Well, guess who decided to go on a little adventure and visit the place? Does Ken scare easily?  Did Kylan remember his proton pack? Did Andy get the bejeezus scared out of him? Guess you’ll have to listen to find out! Listen now!  Continue reading GW1 Issue 123 – A Haunted Pirates Life For Me