All posts by GW1

Comics Cosmos – Not Your Typical Hero

Diversity and representation are important considerations these days, even in comics. But it’s not just the big publishers that are trying to be more inclusive with different genders, races and orientations of characters. Independent and creator owned publications are jumping in, often with characters and storylines larger companies shy away from. One of those would be the turban-wearing, Elvis-loving, secret agent of Super SikhContinue reading Comics Cosmos – Not Your Typical Hero

She Geek Critique – Clone Club

This past weekend, Orphan Black began it’s fifth and final season. It’s a planned exit, which means the stories will be wrapped up in the way the creators intended, which is always a good thing. Of course, like most fans, I’m not happy to see the show leave. I’ve been hooked from the start – great premise, fantastic writing, good twists… and you never know when another clone will show up.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Clone Club

Best Geeky Finds – Pizza Power!

Two weeks ago was Memorial Day weekend. Whenever holidays like these fall on a Monday or a weekend when the market is open, I go shopping to the Hartville Flea Market (in northeast Ohio). I often do not have a specific goal in mind while shopping, but sometimes I start the day off seeing one unique item I had not thought about and spend the rest of the day searching for similar finds. On this day, my unique hunt became Ninja Turtles action toys.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Pizza Power!

Irregular’s Intel – Representation Counts

We live in a time where every notion or concept has a hashtag. It can get to the point where it becomes overwhelming, or tedious even. That’s not to say that they don’t have meaning, but to address all of them would take a full 140 characters by itself! But I digress. Yesterday, my brother posted something on his FB that caught my eye – an African American male cosplaying as Batman. Now this, in and of itself, was not new to me. But to read his story I was reminded of how black kids could not be Batman, Superman, Captain America or Doctor Strange because we didn’t look like them. We could be Spider-Man, Iron Man or anyone black because either you couldn’t see who was under the mask or armor or they looked like us. Being kids we didn’t know better, but it did kinda suck, to be honest about it all.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Representation Counts