Category Archives: Marvel

Irregular’s Intel – Know Thyself: A Cautionary Tale

I just finished season three of Marvel’s Daredevil. It is so well written, it is easily the best season of the series, if not the best season of all of the Netflix Marvel shows. It has great plot and character development and is on point with the page to screen adaptation of two notable Daredevil story arcs, Guardian Devil and Born Again. As much as I had intended to write a review of this season, there was something else gnawing at me that came from the show… the importance of truly knowing who you are. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Know Thyself: A Cautionary Tale

She Geek Critique – Parasites and Symbiotes

There are some movies you go to theaters to see because you know they will be fantastic experiences. Virtually all MCU films fall into this category, as does one DCEU film (yes, only one). Others you see for the fun of it, not having very high expectations, but hoping the movie will be enjoyable. That’s what you get with VenomContinue reading She Geek Critique – Parasites and Symbiotes

Playing Around – Why Spider-Man is Perfect for the Casual Gamer

Hello, I’m Kylan, Marvel fan and casual gamer. I say casual because, as much as I would love to dedicate more time to gaming, I have a pretty busy life and I can only squeeze in so much. That being said, I love the PS4’s Spider-Man!! This game is designed for you to get in and tool around, kick the tires a bit then see where you can go.  Continue reading Playing Around – Why Spider-Man is Perfect for the Casual Gamer

Comics Cosmos – Supreme Mashup

For those not following current storylines in Marvel comics, there’s been a lot going on with the Infinity Stones. Since before Avengers: Infinity War was released, there’s been a cross-over Infinity Wars event taking place with, you guessed it, a battle for control of the stones and, well, the universe. Someone did gain control recently (I spoil it in case you want to read up on it, though I will say it’s not Thanos) and one thing they decided to do was fold the universe in half.  Continue reading Comics Cosmos – Supreme Mashup