Tag Archives: comics

Special Guest Post – Be the Hero

GW1-blog-guest(Submitted by Heather Hopp)

I started reading comics when I was 11 or 12. There were a handful of local shops, maybe 4 or 5, and I would go with my grandpa and frequent them on about a monthly basis. I rotated stores. I was into completely collecting back issues, especially X titles. So many of those owners knew who I was by sight, if not by name.  Continue reading Special Guest Post – Be the Hero

Irregular’s Intel – Action Figure Covers

Blog-IIWe’ve all seen alternate covers on comic books. They’re everywhere. At one time they were a very rare thing, usually reserved for big issues or special editions. I rarely fell for then. I always viewed them as a big money grab and would not fall to its wiles. Even if a favorite artist produced something really cool, I still denied myself. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Action Figure Covers

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Digging Up the Past

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsI believe that if you are truly a fan of something, you should gather as much knowledge about it as you can (and, as a fan, you’re going to want to know everything anyway). This is particularly true of comic books characters, especially those with a long history. Sure, you can get origin stories and details on wiki sites or, sometimes, through a publisher’s website. But whenever possible, reading the actual stories is the best way to immerse yourself in the character. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Digging Up the Past