Tag Archives: opinion

Irregular’s Intel – That Was Never A Thing

I’m talking about fanny packs. I saw a pick of Dewayne “The Rock” Johnson from the 90s wearing one of those things and even HE couldn’t make it look cool. It just screams… I dunno, poor accessorizer? Maybe? I had a job where they were issued to us to keep a first aid kit in, and I always wore mine like a sling. I wore it around my waist once and felt dorkier than Screech… it was not pretty.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – That Was Never A Thing

Irregular’s Intel – What Made You?

I was having a conversation with someone and we were talking about how all of us had shit to go through. It’s true, you know. Mine may not be like yours and vice versa, but we have all gone through the grinder in one form or another. The thing is, that is a part of what made you who you are today. Do you like yourself? Be thankful for those experiences. If not, still be thankful because it served to either strengthen you or teach you a lesson – either way, it is a good thing. I think that we get too caught up in the surface of it all, the obvious negativity of said experiences. That is so easy to do, but don’t forget the strength and knowledge that you gained from it.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – What Made You?

Irregular’s Intel – How Moral is the “No Killing” Rule?

A certain legendary superhero is celebrating a major milestone this week, his 1,000th issue. No, this blog is not about that, but it does address a certain rule that he and most associated with him do follow: the “no killing” rule. The rule is, basically, regardless of how evil an individual is or what they’ve done, said hero will not end the villain’s life, at any cost. Now, think about that for a moment. On the surface it appears to be the most moral of rules. It shows respect for all life and also shows that there is another way. How wonderful is that? Or is it?  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – How Moral is the “No Killing” Rule?

Irregular’s Intel – When Did Being Educated Become Being Elitist?

Earlier this week I was talking to a dear friend who was lamenting about the down stream effects of not knowing your history. This then evolved into not valuing education. I know that going to an institution of higher learning is damn expensive. Definitely more than it was when I was in school over 25 years ago. In the last several years I’ve seen schools pop up that are more along the lines of trade schools. They are good in that they are able to provide training to get individuals into the workforce quickly and get them earning decent wages without the hefty price tag of a 4 year degree. But I can’t help but wonder are we missing something be doing away with teaching the humanities. I may be wrong, but the schools focus on teaching their students a trade or career, not how to process information from various disciplines. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – When Did Being Educated Become Being Elitist?