Miss Dawn’s Musings – Creative Types

Blog-MDMGeeks are a creative bunch. Sure, there are many who are simply readers, watchers and collectors – they don’t actually create anything, they just enjoy their fandoms. But there are many who are more artistic. Whether it’s directly related to fandoms or not, many geeks are visual artists, creating paintings, sculptures, jewelry, toys. Others express themselves through writing with fanfiction, short stories, novels, gaming guides. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Creative Types

Best Geeky Finds – It’s Elementary

Blog-BGFBasil Rathbone. Peter Cushing. Tom Baker. Jonny Lee Miller. Benedict Cumberbatch. All of these plus more have played the great Sherlock Holmes. (That’s right, a 1982 production of Hound of the Baskervilles had Tom Baker as the Great Detective. If anybody can find proof of this, I so want to see it.)

And now Ian McKellen has taken on the role in the recent film Mr. Holmes (2015). Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – It’s Elementary

Irregular’s Intel – Sweat Therapy

Blog-III’m a big guy. There, I said it and I know it to be true. In the past several years I have been up and down the scale, but mostly up. I have tried all kinds of eating plans and diets and whatnot, but they all failed. About four years ago I happened across a website that took people’s geekdoms and turned them into pathways to fitness. That website is www.nerdfitness.com and it was the first thing that actually made sense to me. There were even free workout programs that you could print off to get you started and groups for support. But, these were not your ordinary groups… but I digress. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Sweat Therapy