Category Archives: editorial

Irregular’s Intel – Going Dark

For the last several year there has been a trend in comics. This is a trope that is so old that soap operas and professional wrestling were almost founded upon this. It’s when the hero, or protagonist, goes dark. We’ve all seen it before. We all remember the classic episode of Star Trek where everyone ran into their evil self (usually in a goatee). Or in Knight Rider when Michael meets an evil adopted brother (who still looked like him), Garth. I can fully explain how and why this makes sense, just not here. Message me and we’ll talk! Or, the episode of South Park where the kids run into their evil selves (all in goatees)!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Going Dark

Irregular’s Intel – Representation Counts

We live in a time where every notion or concept has a hashtag. It can get to the point where it becomes overwhelming, or tedious even. That’s not to say that they don’t have meaning, but to address all of them would take a full 140 characters by itself! But I digress. Yesterday, my brother posted something on his FB that caught my eye – an African American male cosplaying as Batman. Now this, in and of itself, was not new to me. But to read his story I was reminded of how black kids could not be Batman, Superman, Captain America or Doctor Strange because we didn’t look like them. We could be Spider-Man, Iron Man or anyone black because either you couldn’t see who was under the mask or armor or they looked like us. Being kids we didn’t know better, but it did kinda suck, to be honest about it all.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Representation Counts

She Geek Critique – Getting It Right

As I have mentioned before, movie casting is sometimes a big deal to me. This is especially in regard to geek properties, most especially comic book movies where the characters need to have a rather specific look. Regardless of abilities, I think it’s important to capture that look to truly capture the character. But even when the casting is not quite right, there can be moments in a movie when the acting, story and visuals come together so well that they get the character right. Continue reading She Geek Critique – Getting It Right

Irregular’s Intel – Storytime with Uncle Kylan

Back in the day, cop shows used to market themselves to kids with plastic “detective sets” complete with a gun, handcuffs and a shiny badge. One such show to do this was Starsky and Hutch. Now, S.W.A.T.  was another show to market itself in a similar way, but they took it up a notch or two (that’s for another Storytime).  At any rate, I loved Starsky and Hutch and often saw a kindred spirit in the high strung Detective David Michael Starsky. In this set there was a gun similar to the .45 my favorite of the duo carried, handcuffs, a badge AND a copy of the Miranda Rights that every good cop quoted to every criminal that they brought to justice. I read that thing until I had it committed to memory flawlessly!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Storytime with Uncle Kylan

She Geek Critique – Not My Fandom

Obviously, geeks love their fandoms. That is, after all, a big part of what makes us geeks to begin with. Whether it’s the worlds created in books or movies or games or on television, one we find what we enjoy most we take a deep dive and immerse ourselves in it. Of course, not every fandom is for everyone and there are a few biggies that I just cannot get into.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Not My Fandom